Myopia Specialist Centre

MSC edited

The Myopia Specialist Centre is the first of its kind premier institution in Asia. Launched in partnership with industry leaders and experts, we aim to raise awareness about myopia and treat it through education and specialised myopia control methods.

Our custom suite of services and programmes is tailored towards alleviating the complications of today's digital age, when an increase in screen time has resulted in an alarming prevalence of myopia among children and adults alike.

In particular, a key focus will be to manage paediatric myopia by offering solutions shaped by the latest clinical research. Our goal is to slow myopic progression, improve the quality of sight and, in turn, the quality of life for patients with myopia.

Your vision is a gift that requires bespoke care. Our mission is to deliver that and help your children see the world in high definition.

Clinic Information

Unit No.


Operating Hours

Mon - Fri: 9.30am - 6pm
Sat: 9.30am - 4pm
Closed on Sundays

Our clinic’s doctors