Paediatric Surgery and Urology International

Paed Surgery OT revised

All in a Day’s Work: Safe & Seamless Ambulatory Surgery For Children

No matter how routine it is, the idea of surgery – especially surgery for children – can be a concerning prospect. A father himself, Dr Zeng Hao Joel Wong of Paediatric Surgery and Urology International, strives to make the experience more familiar and effective to ensure not just peace of mind, but optimum outcomes as well.

To this end, he has invested time and effort to design an integrated clinic, Paediatric Surgery and Urology International, which includes an in-house, fully accredited ambulatory surgery service. “We are an all-in-one centre. We do all the things a clinic does – and the surgery too,” he said. “It makes a big difference in the care for a child. Our patients are more familiar with the staff and the space. This provides parents and patients more reassurance throughout their care.”

Dr Wong takes a meticulous approach in running the ambulatory surgical service. Having it together with his clinic, ensures he can maintain strict oversight and management of its processes. With the centre seeing predominantly paediatric patients, the staff is experienced with handling children. The centre is also a Medisave, Child Development Account and Baby Bonus Approved Institution, and strives to make the financial payment process a seamless one.

He shared that the whole process of facility planning, administrative paperwork and more, took around a year of research, planning and implementation. “But it was well worth it,” he said. Not only is the operating theatre Ministry of Health certified, it has also attained International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and National Environmental Balancing Bureau (NEBB) certifications, to achieve a clean room anti-sepsis standard. “I thank God for His guidance. Much appreciation also goes to my wife for her continual support. The Camden Medical Centre management was instrumental in the success of the project.”

Clinic Information

Paediatric Surgery and Urology International

Unit No.


Operating Hours

Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 6.00pm

Saturday: 8.30am - 1.00pm

Our clinic’s doctors