Physician Liu ChuanChuan

Profile img Physician Liu Chuan Chuan
Clinical interest(s)
Traditional Chinese Medicine
English, Mandarin


Double Bachelor Degree, from Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture and Tuina major, and Singapore College of Traditional Chinese Medicine.


Discover real root cause of the problem from different aspects, and helps the patient fundamentally solve the problem using 4 Dimension diagnostic method:

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Eye Acupuncture:

Eye Acupuncture is known for treating Stoke sequelae, it provides effective protection for nerve from further damage, and helps to recovery patients body functions. It is also effective for elderly neurological and brain diseases, and can be used to ease the brain, vision, and hearing degeneration in the elderlies.

Eye Acupuncture also proven of having excellent results for various symptom/diseases treatment, such as colds, headaches, stomach pains, anxiety, insomnia

Long’s Zhi ji (Bone setting),

Specializing in treating multiple types of pain caused by the spine: neck, shoulder, waist and leg, and other discomfort/diseases caused by spine problems such as dizziness, chest tightness, digestive system problems

Frequent SPS treatments can greatly reduce the chances of various types of pain and discomfort recurrence.

Traditional Chinese Medicine
Many years of experience using classical prescription in solving below illness/problem

Women's menstrual problems, emotional problems,
Menopausal syndrome,
Digestive system problems
Sleeping disorders


  • Double Bachelor Degree, from Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture and Tuina major, and Singapore College of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Clinic Information

Unit No.


Operating Hours

Mon - Sat: 9am - 6pm
Closed on Sundays